What is Forefingr?

Team Forefingr
3 min readJan 6, 2021

Are you visiting a city you have never been to before? Do you know where to find the best burger in town? Or, if you want a particular service, knock it? If finding the best local business is what you need, Forefingr can be the best friend you need for this.

What is Forefingr?

Forefingr is great for finding a restaurant in the city you are staying in, but there is more. It is perfectly acceptable to post questions such as “where is the indoor restaurant/coffee shop that opened late?”.

The number one use of Forefingr still seems to be driven by rumbling tummies. These are typical questions:

Where to eat after work?
Does the restaurant take reservations?
Does the restaurant take credit cards?

All these valid and food-motivated questions translate to filters in Forefingr. Show me everything that accepts credit cards, has parking, and is open now (7:30 pm). , sushi 22 places show up.

It is a tricky way to choose the right restaurant. The ratings aren’t always reliable. Say a restaurant has a 5-star rating on Forefingr. Does that make it excellent? “That depends….”

Looking at the restaurant listing on Forefingr, it only has one review with 5 stars and it’s the restaurant reviewer’s only review! Now, this 5-star rating on the restaurant is good-for-nothing. It’s either the owner or an employee that pretends a fake review.

First Yelp came up, the community was excited and started Yelping and the knowledge of the community affected by this mob increased. In-short some countries received the Yelp platform, in South-Asia we recently created a review site like Yelp. ‘Closser than reviews’ suddenly, some restaurants receive less traffic and others boomed, all because of Forefingr. Always interested in making and keeping business, some restaurants restored to paying people to leave (fake) reviews, in order to bolster the numbers and average star ratings. This makes up the positive reviews.

Forefingr created the same reliable algorithms to ignore these fake reviews, both negative and positive.

What can a cautious and cynical business traveler do to provide the stomach with its proper diet? It helps to be taught in search of food. Hungry as you will be, it pays to try some analysis before walking into the unspecified joint.

  1. Check the average rating for the first restaurant
  2. Check the status of the rate (500 reviews and an average rating of 4 star and 5-star reviews 5 is better than average)
  3. Do a quick scan of the reviews. If the same 2–3 dishes shine in the review, this is probably a safe bet.
  4. Take a look at the reviewers. How many reviews have they done? One or two? Then it smells like a hired/paid reviewer.
  5. Putting prejudice aside, do reviewers cook? I was once in a remote little town in Lahore with 1 Chinese restaurant. Both had plenty of reviews since there wasn’t much else going on, but one Chinese restaurant had a lot of reviews from (Pakistani) Asians, the other one had predominantly non-Asian reviewers. Which to pick…..
  6. Ignore the best and worst updates and focus on the middle field.
  7. I look at pictures — do they look attractive and well presented? Any unusual dishes that did not stick during the quick scan? The eyes feast too.
  8. Go with the gut (reaction) — if that sounds too good to be true (like authentic fresh Mexican food), then maybe it is.

Now go eat.

